Delivering New Zealand Livestock to the World

Welcome to PinnacleAg


PinnacleAg is a 100 per cent New Zealand owned company operating in the grazing and live export business across the North and South Islands, dedicated to delivering quality livestock around the world.

Livestock is the core of PinnacleAg NZ’s business.

Our experience in this field has allowed us to develop the people, expertise, products, services and market connections to provide all of our clients with exactly what they need - when they need it.









PinnacleAg NZ can provide:

* Access to quality cattle and genetics from a disease-free industry.

* Sea or air freight.

* Farm consultancy services.

* A depth of knowledge relating to export protocols for all countries.

* A selection of breeds including Holstein-Friesian, Angus, Jersey, Simmental and Hereford.

* Guaranteed healthy stock.

* Selection and quarantine services.


Additional Information

PinnacleAg Information Presentation

PinnacleAg Information Presentation (Chinese)



* Comprehensive grazing services.

* Consultation and advice on NAIT compliance.

* Increased BW accuracy by dairy herd weighing.

* A faster rate of genetic gain and identifying A2 cows by DNA testing.